Rates of income support benefit

The rate of income support benefit is determined according to your age and family composition (single, couple and child).
The amounts shown in the tables below are maximum benefit amounts. Whether you have additional income or a car, benefit rate is modified in accordance with the income.

Benefit rate as of Jan 01, 2025.

You can easily assess the amount of your income based benefit by means of the Income Support Benefit Calculator

Benefit rate for those between 20 and 24 years of age

Composition of family

Benefit Rate for those reporting to Employment Service

Benefit rate for those exempt from reporting to Employment Service

Amount of work income allowed and still being eligible for a partial benefit (provided it is the only income)


NIS 1,622

NIS 2,028

NIS 3,563


NIS 2,230

NIS 2,788

NIS 4,915

Couple + 1 child

NIS 3,042

NIS 3,042

NIS 5,439

Couple + 2 or more children

NIS 3,397

NIS 3,397

NIS 6,367

Single parent  + 1 child

NIS 3,397

NIS 3,397

NIS 8,676

Single parent  + 2 or more children

NIS 3,954

NIS 3,954

NIS 9,605

Benefit rate for those between 25 and 54 years of age

Composition of family

Benefit rate

Amount of work income allowed and still being eligible for a partial benefit (provided it is the only income)


NIS 2,028

NIS 3,563


NIS 2,788

NIS 4,915

Couple + 1 child

NIS 3,042

NIS 5,439

Couple + 2 or more children

NIS 3,397

NIS 6,367

Single parent  + 1 child

NIS 3,397

NIS 8,676

Single parent  + 2 or more children

NIS 3,954

NIS 9,605

Individuals aged between 25 to 54 who received the benefit in December 2002 and have ever since without interruption - are entitled to a different benefit rate, for more information, click here.

Benefit rate for those between 55 and retirement age

Composition of family

Amount of benefit

Amount of work income allowed and still being eligible for a partial benefit (provided it is the only income)


NIS 2,535

NIS 5,060


NIS 3,802

NIS 7,257

Couple + 1 child

NIS 4,410

NIS 8,056

Couple + 2 or more children

NIS 5,019

NIS 9,013

Single parent  + 1 child

NIS 4,151

NIS 10,488

Single parent  + 2 or more children

NIS 5,165

NIS 12,178

Women born from 1.1.1960 and 31.12.1964 - will receive a benefit supplement amounting to NIS 806 , from the month when they reached the age of 62 until retirement age.

Benefit rate for those above retirement age

The amount of the benefit for the insured above retirement is equal to the amount of the old-age pension with income supplement.

To view benefit rates, click here.

Deductions from benefit amount

The following amounts are deducted from income support benefit:

  • Health insurance contributions - if you are not working, health insurance contributions will be deducted from the benefit at the minimum rate of NIS 120 .
  • When the recipient's spouse is hospitalized and his maintenance expenses are covered by the State Treasury, the Jewish Agency or the local authority - an amount of NIS 760 is deducted from the benefit.
  • Those whose spouse is not an Israeli resident - an amount of NIS 760 is deducted from the benefit.